Secondary School


In its secondary school education, Buse Science School aims to raise individuals who are innovative, aware of their own talent, able to take initiative to participate in activities that will support their development in the field of talent, developed problem-solving, communication, decision-making, critical and creative thinking skills, entrepreneurial, open to change and development, sense of personal and social responsibility, aesthetic feelings and sports culture and who make a difference.

With the Cambridge Certificate Program that we follow at our school, exam questions, the contents or examples used in Foreign Language Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, English Language and Literature, Fine Arts, Creative and Vocational Education Curriculum are developed in an international context.

While developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in different fields, the student develops high-level thinking skills with an intensive English education within the education processes based on inquiry.

In our school, guidance is given according to the areas in which the individual is talented and with the education programs prepared, activities that requires high-level thinking skills, creative thinking skills, life skills, emotional and social development, value education, such as traditional arts, writing camps, memory games, philosophy forums, folk dances, drama, comics, chess, theater, and dance are provided.